Open from
10 Jun 2022
Creation Wines
Solo Show
Curated by Olga Speakes
Borne out of conversations with nature Kathy Robins' practice seeks to map out a different mode of relating to the natural world that involves gentle listening and intimate connecting rather than domination. Re-tuning and re-turning to nature as our guide creates conditions for healing that are as important for our suffering planet as they are for the humans inhabiting it. A series of sculptures, works on paper, and installations, presented throughout the Creation Wines estate, will invite visitors to pause and consider the deep connections to the landscape around them. Taking inspiration from the imperceptible but often unrelenting power of nature, the artist explores how even small acts of conscious and respectful engagement with our environment can have the potential to generate change.
Download the exhibition catalogue here.
Read Towards a Practice of Care, a reflective essay on RE-TURN by Storm Janse van Rensburg, here.
Listen to a SAFM interview on RE-TURN here.
Read Chris Thurman's Business Day article on RE-TURN here.
Creation Wines recently won the 2023 Regional Great Wine Capitals (GWC) prestigious Best in Wine Tourism Restaurants and Best in Arts and Culture awards. Read more here.